
Huqooq ul Ibad | Global Quran Project

What is Huqooq ul Ibad?

Huqooq ul Allah are the fundamental responsibilities of a Muslim that he owes to Allah such as praying, fasting, Zakat etc. However, the duties of fellow Muslims are also important...

What is Huqooq ul Ibad?

Huqooq ul Allah are the fundamental responsibilities of a Muslim that he owes to Allah such as praying, fasting, Zakat etc. However, the duties of fellow Muslims are also important...

Significance of Hajj | Global Quran Project

Significance of Hajj for Muslims

Hajj is the major pilgrimage and is regarded as the 5th pillar of Islam. It is one of the best forms of worship that Muslims are obliged to perform at...

Significance of Hajj for Muslims

Hajj is the major pilgrimage and is regarded as the 5th pillar of Islam. It is one of the best forms of worship that Muslims are obliged to perform at...

Importance of Zakat | Global Quran Project

The Importance of Zakat in Islam

Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. It is a highly rewarded act for a Muslim. It is due to every Muslim. Zakat is an obligatory act in Islam, which...

The Importance of Zakat in Islam

Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. It is a highly rewarded act for a Muslim. It is due to every Muslim. Zakat is an obligatory act in Islam, which...

Fasting in Islam | Global Quran Project

Fasting in Islam

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and the fourth pillar of Islam. It is regarded as one of the most sacred months of the Islamic year for...

Fasting in Islam

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and the fourth pillar of Islam. It is regarded as one of the most sacred months of the Islamic year for...

Muslim Praying Salah | Global Quran Project

Significance of Salah In Our Lives

Salah is an act of worship by Muslims which is unique to Islam, in all ways. The word “prayer” has a universal meaning of supplication, while the Arabic term, Salah,...

Significance of Salah In Our Lives

Salah is an act of worship by Muslims which is unique to Islam, in all ways. The word “prayer” has a universal meaning of supplication, while the Arabic term, Salah,...

Duties of a Muslim | Global Quran Project

Six Duties Of A Muslim As A Part Of Good Conduct

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A Muslim has six rights over another Muslim: to greet him with peace when he is...

Six Duties Of A Muslim As A Part Of Good Conduct

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A Muslim has six rights over another Muslim: to greet him with peace when he is...