Salah is an act of worship by Muslims which is unique to Islam, in all ways. The word “prayer” has a universal meaning of supplication, while the Arabic term, Salah, refers to an act of submission to Allah.
It is the second pillar of Islam and the five daily prayers are made obligatory upon all Muslims as a duty. Salah is performed by all Muslims across the world in the same exact manner, at least the compulsory five prayers. This reaffirms the message of Islam by showcasing equality and brotherhood.
Relationship with Allah
Through Salah, a Muslim builds a strong connection with Allah. It is the closest a believer is to his Creator. Thus, Salah strengthens the relationship with Allah as a Muslim completely dedicating himself and his faith while worshipping Allah daily, five times a day.
Removes Sins
The prayer cannot be performed without Wudu. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
"The key to Paradise is Salat, and the key to Salat is Wudu."
Grade: Hasan (Darussalam) Jami` at-Tirmidhi 4
This act itself is considered an act of worship that involves performing a series of steps to clean the body. Wudu does not just clean the person physically but also spiritually as with every step, the sins are removed. It is stated in the Holy Quran:
“Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing,”
(Quran, 29:45)
Hence, praying daily helps a believer stay away from committing sins as well as removing them.
Sense Of Peace
Prayer in this busy and stressful life can be a source of relief and tranquility for a believing Muslim. It offers a haven where you can call to Allah and spend time making dua for yourself and for your loved ones.
Remembrance of Allah
Through Salah, a believer is mindful of Allah and remembers him at all times. With the remembrance and consciousness of Allah, a Muslim stays humble, and positive while aiming to avoid sins.